
Imperial College London

To produce a sample of optically-trapped, ultracold ytterbium fluoride molecules that can be used to precisely measure the electron's electric dipole moment

  • Amount $777,098
  • City London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
  • Investigator Michael Tarbutt
  • Year 2019
  • Program Research
  • Sub-program Small-Scale Fundamental Physics

Funds from this grant support efforts by researchers led by Professor Michael Tarbutt and Professor Edward Hinds, both at Imperial College London, to build advanced instrumentation capable of detecting new fundamental particles through precision measurement of the distortions these particles cause to the distribution of electric charge in an electron.К Tarbutt and HindsХs primary detection strategy is to use intersecting lasers to create an electromagnetic ТlatticeУ that holds diatomic molecules at a fixed point in space. The held molecules can then be measured for perturbations in their electrical charge. The approach, called optical trapping, has significant theoretical advantages over other methods. First, optical traps can hold neutral molecules and neutral molecules can be packed very denselyСcharged particles disrupt one another when they are too close togetherСallowing for more measurements to be made per unit of space. Second, holding molecules still, as optical trapping does, allows the molecules to be measured for thousands of times longer than efforts using molecules in motion. The technical challenge is that only very cold molecules can be caught in an optical trap. Tarbutt and HindsХs primary activities over the grant period will be to see if ytterbium fluoride (YbF) molecules can be cooled to the microkelvin temperatures needed to make them candidates for optical trapping. They plan to bring YbF molecules into collision with a super-cold cryogenic buffer gas, which will cool the molecules sufficiently to allow laser-based techniques to take over and cool the molecules to the appropriate temperature. If successful, this would put the team in position to improve existing detection methods by a factor of 1,000, representing a significant leap in detection technology. The project will produce several papers on laser slowing and cooling of an EDM relevant molecule, as well as training for two postdoctoral and two graduate students.

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