Grants Database

The Foundation awards approximately 200 grants per year (excluding the Sloan Research Fellowships), totaling roughly $80 million dollars in annual commitments in support of research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. This database contains grants for currently operating programs going back to 2008. For grants from prior years and for now-completed programs, see the annual reports section of this website.

Grants Database

  • grantee: Stevens Institute of Technology
    amount: $19,762
    city: Hoboken, NJ
    year: 2018

    To pilot two middle school Math Circles in NYC that informs the development of a system of Math Circles in the NYC area

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Jan Cannizzo

    To pilot two middle school Math Circles in NYC that informs the development of a system of Math Circles in the NYC area

  • grantee: Sponsors for Educational Opportunity, Inc.
    amount: $20,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2017

    To promote unrepresented minorities within the investment management industry by maximizing the pipeline of diversity into finance and top business sectors and to ensure that diverse talent is identified early and provided with the access, resources, and professional development needed to succeed

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Julian Johnson

    To promote unrepresented minorities within the investment management industry by maximizing the pipeline of diversity into finance and top business sectors and to ensure that diverse talent is identified early and provided with the access, resources, and professional development needed to succeed

  • grantee: Art of Problem Solving Foundation
    amount: $20,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2017

    To provide partial support for the BEAM 6 program

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Ruthi Hortsch

    To provide partial support for the BEAM 6 program

  • grantee: Fund for the City of New York
    amount: $350,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2017

    To improve local decision-making by building technical capacity in NYC borough president offices and community boards

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Noel Hidalgo

    Founded by civic technologist Noel Hidalgo, BetaNYC is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping key New York City constituencies take advantage of already-accessible open civic data. Hidalgo has identified New York’s borough president offices and community boards as particularly promising sites of leverage where better access to civic data could be of direct and immediate value to local governance, and where better technical literacy and capacity could tangibly improve New Yorkers’ experience of government. Among its programs, BetaNYC runs a Community Information Fellowship that places CUNY undergraduates in the Manhattan Borough President’s office, where they identify and work to fill gaps in technical expertise at the community board. This grant would build on that program to pilot a “Civic Innovation Lab” in the Borough President’s office that will build prototype solutions to data problems identified by these fellows. The grant is being made to the Fund for the City of New York, a not-for-profit that provides fiscal sponsorship and administrative support to charitable efforts aimed at benefiting the City and its residents.

    To improve local decision-making by building technical capacity in NYC borough president offices and community boards

  • grantee: Rockaway Waterfront Alliance, Inc.
    amount: $20,000
    city: Far Rockaway, NY
    year: 2017

    To provide partial support for the Environmentor Program, a science research internship program

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Jeanne DuPont

    To provide partial support for the Environmentor Program, a science research internship program

  • grantee: New York University
    amount: $20,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2017

    To provide partial support for the Cyber Security program for High School Women

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Phyllis Frankl

    To provide partial support for the Cyber Security program for High School Women

  • grantee: Fund for the City of New York
    amount: $124,893
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2017

    To build technical capacity within NYC borough president offices and community boards, and to develop a sustainable model for such activities going forward

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Noel Hidalgo

    To build technical capacity within NYC borough president offices and community boards, and to develop a sustainable model for such activities going forward

  • grantee: Research Foundation of the City University of NY
    amount: $4,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2017

    To increase the number of doctoral degrees in the Mathematical Sciences awarded to students from underrepresented groups through the launch of the NYC Math Sciences Alliance

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Brooke Feigon

    To increase the number of doctoral degrees in the Mathematical Sciences awarded to students from underrepresented groups through the launch of the NYC Math Sciences Alliance

  • grantee: New York Academy of Sciences
    amount: $110,140
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2017

    To provide a diverse cadre of 30 advanced doctoral students in STEM fields with leadership skills to give them maximum flexibility in considering career options through a 5 day workshop and 9-month webinar program called Science Alliance Leadership Training (SALT)

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Meghan Groome

    To provide a diverse cadre of 30 advanced doctoral students in STEM fields with leadership skills to give them maximum flexibility in considering career options through a 5 day workshop and 9-month webinar program called Science Alliance Leadership Training (SALT)

  • grantee: New York City H2O, Inc.
    amount: $20,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2017

    To provide support for 15 Water Ecology and Engineering Field Trips

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Matt Malina

    To provide support for 15 Water Ecology and Engineering Field Trips

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