
Wikimedia Foundation

To help Wikipedia develop and sustain its educational mission while constantly improving quality, diversity, and access to knowledge for people everywhere

  • Amount $3,000,000
  • City San Francisco, CA
  • Investigator Erik Moller
  • Year 2011
  • Program Technology
  • Sub-program Universal Access to Knowledge

Funds from this grant provide continued support to the Wikimedia Foundation, which owns and operates Wikipedia, in its efforts to professionalize and sustain itself organizationally while improving the quality of Wikipedia articles. Wikimedia's ambitious goals in the next five years are to increase the number of people served to one billion; to increase the number of articles to 50 million; to review 25% of all articles to insure accurate, quality information; to double the number of editors to 200,000; and to double the number of women editors and contributors from the developing world. Funds will support efforts to improve article quality by partnering with professors and universities and encouraging students to create or improve articles in their area of expertise. Also supported through this grant is a Wikimedia project to convert its most talented volunteers into paid fellows through a fellowship program focused on research, existing program work, and new high impact work. Wikimedia is also undertaking an aggressive, high profile campaign to attract more women contributors. Finally, Wikipedia will use some of the Foundation's support to develop its relationship with the cultural sector by working with its 30 worldwide chapters to foster partnerships with galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and educational institutions.

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