Refer to your grant agreement for information about when grant reports are due for your grant. Principal Investigators should be cognizant of meeting reporting deadlines to ensure there is no interruption in the flow of grant funds.
What information should be included in a substantive report will vary depending upon on the nature of the funded project, though it should contain an explicit discussion about progress made toward the project's official goals and metrics. Principal Investigators who have questions about what other information to include in their substantive reports should email their program director.
The Sloan Foundation does not provide standardized templates for substantive grant reports.
Financial reports (both interim and final) should contain the following information:
- The Sloan Foundation grant number;
- The amount of monies received from the Foundation to date;
- The amount expended to date on grant related activities
- Any unexpended balance (amount received – amount expended)
All financial reports should be in US$.
The Sloan Foundation does not provide a standardized template for financial grant reports.
Unexpended Grant Funds
If, at the completion of a grant, there is an unexpended grant balance in excess of $500.00 (US$), all unused funds must be remitted by check to the Sloan Foundation. Checks should be addressed to Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and sent to
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
c/o Grants Administration
630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2200
New York, NY 10111
Remittance checks should clearly indicate the grant’s Sloan Foundation grant number
Principal Investigators (PIs) who are transferring institutions should contact their program director immediately to discuss the situation.
The Sloan Foundation may cancel a grant if it determines that the transfer is likely to inhibit the successful completion of the funded project.
If the transfer is approved:
The original grantee institution must:
- Submit a financial report showing the amount of money received to date under the grant, the amount expended to date, and the unexpended grant balance (that is, funds received - funds expended).
- Mail the Foundation a check (in US$) for the entirety of the unexpended balance.
Both the check and the financial report should clearly indicate the Sloan Foundation grant number of the grant being transferred. Checks should be mailed to
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
c/o Grants Administration
630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2200
New York, NY 10111
The new grantee institution must
- Complete, sign, and submit a Proposal Administration Form (PAF).
- Complete and submit an updated Budget Form for the amount being transferred to the new grantee institution.
- Complete and submit an updated Proposal Cover Sheet. The updated Proposal Cover Sheet should include new start and end dates, new grant amount, and any substantive changes to anticipated outputs or outcomes.
- Resubmit either the original grant proposal, or submit a revised proposal if the aims, methods, key staff, outputs, or outcomes of the funded project have substantively changed.
Once the above documentation has been received from the new grantee institution and the original grantee institution has returned unexpended grant funds, the Sloan Foundation will issue a new grant contract for the unexpended amount to the new grantee institution.
To prevent any interruption in the flow of grant funds, Principal Investigators are encouraged to begin the transfer process early.
No-Cost Extensions
Principal Investigators who wish to extend their grant completion date without requiring any additional funds from the Foundation should email their program director and request a no-cost extension. To be considered, no cost extensions generally require that grantees submit a financial report detailing the amount of funds expended to date and a substantive report detailing both the grant-funded work that has been completed to date and and what remains to be completed.