
Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications Association Inc.

For high quality on-air and online coverage on PBS's NewsHour to enhance economic and financial literacy

  • Amount $1,500,000
  • City Arlington, VA
  • Investigator Linda Winslow
  • Year 2011
  • Program Public Understanding
  • Sub-program Television

This grant provides continued support for enhanced coverage of economic and financial topics on The PBS NewsHour. Through its recurring weekly segment, Making Sen$e with Paul Solman, the NewsHour aims to produce and broadcast at least 60 on-air segments over the next two years covering economic and financial topics. Additional funds from this grant will support a host of complementary web activities, including the production of at least 60 web-only videos on economic topics, continued operation of an online "Q&A desk" where Solman answers questions from readers, the development of a free iPad app allowing iPad users to easily access NewsHour economics content, and the production of syllabi, lesson plans, and other materials to facilitate the use of NewsHour segments in American classrooms.

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