
Yale University

To test the impact of interventions on both explicit (consciously held) and implicit (automatic or unintended) gender biases; ultimately, to increase the participation of women in science by reducing bias

  • Amount $539,107
  • City New Haven, CT
  • Investigator John Dovidio
  • Year 2013
  • Program Higher Education
  • Sub-program

The grant provides support for a project headed by Yale biologist Jo Handelsman to find targeted interventions that to increase equitable decision-making and overcome the effects of explicit and implicit gender bias in the many review processes that are an essential part of academic science. Leading a multidisciplinary team, Handelsman will conduct two experiments comparing interventions designed to mitigate explicit bias, implicit bias, or both (hybrid). Depending on which intervention is found to be most effective, the team will then develop, evaluate, and distribute a training guide, and publish their results. Prospective audiences for the training guide include faculty, staff, and students in campus diversity training settings; graduate students in “responsible conduct of research” courses; faculty search committees; and senior academic administrators responsible for university personnel practices.

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