
New York University

To investigate how academics are using Git hosting platforms and how those platforms can be better adapted to academic needs

  • Amount $186,897
  • City New York, NY
  • Investigator David Millman
  • Year 2018
  • Program Technology
  • Sub-program Data & Computational Research

The grant funds work by a team at the NYU Libraries including David Millman, director of Digital Library Technology Services, and Vicky Steeves, reproducibility librarian, to examine how researchers use the popular code versioning site Github and its underlying technology platform Git. The team will document the ways in which current Git-based systems are incompletely serving the needs of academic researchers and libraries during the software design process. This will include a gap analysis, landscape research, user study, and development of functional requirements to improve Git from the standpoint of academic research. The result will be a set of recommendations to more overtly align Git platforms with academic institutions and incentive structures.

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