
Columbia University

To enhance the impact, management, and dissemination of research produced by the Center on Global Energy Policy and strengthen the connection between scholarship and practice

  • Amount $999,167
  • City New York, NY
  • Investigator Jason Bordoff
  • Year 2020
  • Program Research
  • Sub-program Energy and Environment

Founded in 2013 by Jason Bordoff, the Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP) at Columbia University has quickly become one of the leading academic research centers focused on analyzing all aspects of the U.S. energy system. A first class research institute in its own right, CGEP also excels at bridging the researcher-policymaker divide.  It accessibly condenses and summarizes complicated research, connects research results with their implications for policy, and creates venues to effectively disseminate research to decision-makers, media, and the public.  Funds for this grant support the creation of two additional professional positions at CGEP: a senior research director and a managing editor.  The research director will be responsible for managing all components of research production and will oversee CGEP’s research quality control procedures, including its internal and external review processes. The managing editor’s role will be to assist in the research review process and generate various outputs for dissemination that will help make CGEP’s work more relevant and accessible to decision-makers. Both the research director and managing editor positions are critical in overseeing the variety of research outputs produced by CGEP and will cement CGEP’s central role of bringing high quality, objective research to those stakeholders entrusted to act in the public interest. Grant funds will support these positions for their initial two-year period to help inaugurate these roles.  

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