
New York University

To establish a Center for Mathematical Talent to work with students from NYC schools

  • Amount $708,468
  • City New York, NY
  • Investigator Yuri Tschinkel
  • Year 2010
  • Program New York City Program
  • Sub-program

In recent years, programs to indentify and nurture talent in science and mathematics among NYC schoolchildren have largely disappeared. Funds from this grant will support The Courant Institute for the Mathematical Sciences at New York University (NYU) in its efforts to launch a new Center for Mathematical Talent (CMT) to address precisely this problem. Courant is one of the premier mathematical institutions in the world, and can build on its established record of success with gifted and talented schoolchildren. Outreach for the new Center will specifically target women, underrepresented minorities, and disadvantaged students who may not otherwise know about or pursue opportunities to develop their potential.

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