Institute of International Education
To provide life-saving fellowships and academic placements for persecuted scholars so they can continue their work before returning to their native countries when it is safe to do so
This three-year grant to the Institute of International Education (IIE) will support its important humanitarian work rescuing endangered scientists, engineers, and mathematicians through the Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF). As a result of their academic work, scholars and intellectuals-professors, teachers, researchers, writers-often come under attack in repressive regimes where freedom of thought and freedom of speech pose a challenge to authoritarian rule. In 2002, the IIE-which also runs international scholarship programs like the Fulbright-established the Scholar Rescue Fund as a permanent agency to help scholars anywhere in the world. The idea was to establish an around-the-clock, year-round operation that could swiftly relocate threatened scholars to safe locations in other countries where they could continue their academic work-and ideally, return to their original countries when conditions improved. Since 2002, SRF has provided safe haven to 400 threatened scholars worldwide. Funds from this grant will provide for the relocation and safe shelter of an additional 40 scholars in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.