University of California, Office of the President
To support the further technical and community development of the Data Management Plan Tool
Shortly after the National Science Foundation began requiring all grant applications include a data management plan, a team based out of the California Digital Library developed and launched an online system to help researchers in the University of California system meet the new requirement. Named the "DMP Tool," the system contains information on funder data management requirements and on the data management resources available at participating universities, enabling researchers to quickly sketch a basic data management plan tailored to their particular proposal and institution. The system was a success. Within its first year, the DMP Tool was used to generate thousands of data management plans and has become an important resource for researchers. Because the DMP Tool was built under significant time constraints, however, the technical architecture that powers it was not developed with an eye towards expansion. As designed, the system is not prepared to accommodate the rapidly expanding number of funding agencies who have data management requirements, the increasing complexity of those requirements, or the quickly changing data management capabilities of member universities. The DMP Tool needs a core code re-write to build in the flexibility needed to meet rising demand. Funds from this grant provide support for a substantial rewriting of the DMP Tool software, with an eye toward flexibility and facilitating the effective use of the DMP Tool at a larger number of research institutions. The resulting website will better structure the metadata about research encoded in data management plans and offer broad analytics about research data management across funders, by capturing data management plans upstream of submission. Suitably rewritten, the DMP Tool has the opportunity to become the standard U.S. facilitator of data management plan creation.