
New York Genome Center, Inc.

To provide partial support for the New York Genome Center

  • Amount $3,000,000
  • City New York, NY
  • Investigator Robert Darnell
  • Year 2012
  • Program New York City Program
  • Sub-program

Funds from this grant provide operational support for the launch of the New York Genome Center, a pioneering New York City-based research facility that will conduct both its own genomic research as well as provide genetic sequencing, analysis, and other services to research institutions in the New York metropolitan area. A model in collaborative research, the center will allow participating institutions to have access to first class genomic analysis capabilities without having to buy and maintain their own equipment, rent lab space, and retain expensive staff. Eleven of the City's most prominent research institutions have signed on to the effort, including Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Columbia, Cornell, and NYU; and Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York Presbyterian, and Mount Sinai School of Medicine among others. The development of a major new research center promises to catapult New York into the center of the dynamic and rapidly growing field of genomics.

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