
American Museum of the Moving Image

To maintain and expand a go-to site for the Sloan Film program that showcases Sloan-winning films and filmmakers, features original articles and status updates, and serves as a science and film web hub

  • Amount $358,170
  • City Astoria, NY
  • Investigator Carl Goodman
  • Year 2013
  • Program Public Understanding
  • Sub-program Film

The Museum of the Moving Image (MoMI) hosts the Sloan Science and Film website, the most comprehensive single resource documenting outputs from Sloan’s Film program, including a growing library of 439 Sloan film projects; 282 screenplays; and 76 Sloan-winning films presented by the Hamptons, Sundance, and Tribeca Film Festivals. In addition to the video content and award history the site catalogues, the website features articles about Sloan films; status updates about members of the Sloan film community; and general interest articles, news items, and features about science as depicted in film and television in the broader culture. This grant provides three years of continued support to MoMI for hosting and curation of the Sloan Science and Film website. Additional funds support a series of science and film events hosted by MoMI during the World Science Festival and the Imagine Science Festival.

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