

To encourage the near-term implementation of ORCID identifiers by universities and professional associations, through a grant competition and community outreach

  • Amount $349,659
  • City Bethesda, MD
  • Investigator Laurel Haak
  • Year 2013
  • Program Technology
  • Sub-program Scholarly Communication

This grant supports efforts to increase adoption of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), an enterprising new system that aims to provide a unique, persistent identifier to every researcher on the planet, allowing scholars, content aggregators, and the public to easily pull together research associated with that researcher’s ID, wherever it is published, however the author’s name appears. Funds from this grant will support expansion of ORCID through a small grant competition that challenges universities, professional societies, and other academic institutions to implement ORCID identifiers into existing repository, learning management, academic profile, conference management, and other technology platforms. Ten winners will be chosen from grant applicants based on the quality of the plans submitted and the likelihood that their work will lower barriers to ORCID adoption by peers.

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