
Columbia University

To enhance and expand the scope of the Age Smart Employer Awards

  • Amount $663,141
  • City New York, NY
  • Investigator Ruth Finkelstein
  • Year 2014
  • Program Research
  • Sub-program Working Longer

This grant provides continued support for the second year of the Age Smart Employer Awards, which honor local New York City employers who have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to leveraging older workers’ talent while meeting the goals of both the business and its employees.   Grant funds will support the administration of the awards, the selection process, and outreach activities.  Particular emphasis will be placed on expanding the circle of businesses that know about and apply for the awards as well as increasing the visibility for winning employers and the innovative practices for which they are being honored.  Outreach strategy will particularly target small businesses (those employing fewer than 100 workers) and employers in New York City’s growing health care sector.

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