Mozilla Foundation
To increase open source project and community management capacity and build community among scientific software developers
As computers and computational analysis becomes an increasingly central part of scientific practice, more and more scientists are becoming better and better at writing and amending software and code. What scientists often don’t know how to do, however, is to transition a piece of software from something built in their own lab to a sustainable open source, community-driven project. Open source software development, however, has proven to be one of the singularly most influential paths to widespread adoption, dissemination, and innovation in software development. In order for open source to be a viable sustainability strategy for some scientific software, there needs to be better support and training for scientists to “do open source.” This grant funds an initiative at the Mozilla Foundation to help train scientists in the launch and management of open source software development projects. Funded activities include the development of an expanded open science curriculum that details best practices for open source software development, project management, community organizing and facilitation, engaging noncoders, and data management. Additional grant funds support a series of workshops, online chats, and conference calls on these and related topics and and a community-based mentorship program.