Institute of International Education
To provide 25 life-saving fellowships and academic placements for persecuted scholars from around the world over three years
The Institute for International Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund rescues endangered scholars from any country and discipline in the world and relocates them to a safe haven where they can continue their work as teachers, researchers, writers, and intellectuals. To date, the Fund has rescued and awarded academic fellowships to 681 threatened scholars from 56 countries and relocated them to safety in 360 partner institutions in 42 countries, including such U.S. universities as Stanford, Columbia, Harvard, Cornell, and the University of Michigan. These academics have gone on to publish thousands of books and journal articles, often including groundbreaking research; they have filed dozens of scientific patents, attended thousands of academic conferences, and taught thousands of students. This grant provides support to the Scholar Rescue Fund for the rescue and safe relocation of 25 endangered scholars from STEM disciplines over the next three years.