
Duke University

To expand and bolster internationally linked summer institutes on computational social science for early-career researchers

  • Amount $496,004
  • City Durham, NC
  • Investigator Christopher Bail
  • Initiative Empirical Economic Research Enablers (EERE)
  • Year 2019
  • Program Research
  • Sub-program Economics

The Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science (SICSS) are annual summer courses that aim to accelerate the growth and strength of computational social science; to seed interdisciplinary research that builds on this field; to create open source teaching materials that support training in the field; to ensure that the new field develops appropriate norms and standards that are in the long-term interests of science and society; and to create a community of scholarsСsupported by partner organizations such as companies and universitiesСthat will help advance computational social science into the mainstream of economics, data science, sociology, political science, and other social science fields.К Founded by Christopher Bail of Duke and Matt Salganik of Princeton, the courses are held each summer on the Duke and Princeton campuses, while simultaneously being broadcast to 11 different educational institutions around the world. Almost 300 graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty participated in 2019 alone, with applications far exceeding the spots available. Funds from this grant support the continued operation, expansion, and development of the SICSS for a period of three years.

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