
York University

To evaluate the feasibility of using polar molecules trapped in cryogenic solid argon for an ultraprecise electron Electric Dipole Moment measurement

  • Amount $681,000
  • City Toronto, Canada, Canada
  • Investigator Eric Hessels
  • Year 2019
  • Program Research
  • Sub-program Small-Scale Fundamental Physics

Funds from this grant support an effort by Professor Eric Hessels at York University, Professor Amar Vutha at the University of Toronto, and Assistant Professor Jaideep Singh at Michigan State University to build advanced instrumentation capable of detecting new fundamental particles through precision measurement of the distortions these particles cause to the distribution of electric charge in an electron.К Hessels, Vutha, and SinghХs primary detection strategy is to trap barium fluoride molecules in a matrix of solid argon. Once held, the electrons in these trapped molecules can be measured for distortions in the distribution of their electric charge. This methodology has several significant theoretical benefits over competing methods. First, holding molecules still, as a solid matrix would, allows the molecules to be measured for thousands of times longer than using molecules in motion. Second, molecules can be very densely packed in a solid matrixСthe York University team will aim to trap a few billionСthereby increasing the number of detection measurements that can be made per unit of space. The method faces obstacles as there is uncertainty about whether a precision measurement can be performed on molecules embedded in a solid matrix. Phonon vibrations of the solid or other effects could make precision measurement of the trapped molecules impractical. The York team will implant the barium fluoride molecules into a solid argon matrix while it is being grown, and then perform spectroscopic measurements on the embedded molecules to see if a precision measurement is practical. In situdiagnostics will probe the growth and implantation process and different growth and annealing schedules will be followed to optimize the platform. If successful, the method could improve our detection capabilities by a factor of 200. The project will lead to six papers, talks and posters at relevant conferences, and training for 30 students and postdoctoral researchers over the project's three-year arc.

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