
Syracuse University

To examine whether and how government funding strategies influence the direction of clean energy research and the involvement of new researchers in the field

  • Amount $349,380
  • City Syracuse, NY
  • Investigator David Popp
  • Year 2020
  • Program Research
  • Sub-program Energy and Environment

This grant funds research by David Popp and Daniel Acuna of Syracuse University to examine the impact of federal funding of research in the energy sector. Popp and Acuna are particularly interested in understanding how researchers respond to changes in federal funding priorities.  When a federal agency announces a funding initiative in a new area of energy research, who ultimately performs that research? Perhaps established researchers working on other topics change directions and begin working on the new priority, speeding progress in the new area but moving away from the subject areas they abandoned. Or perhaps new, early career researchers without well-established research agendas enter the field in response to the availability of federal funding. Determining how federal funding impacts researcher interests and scholarly trajectories is an under-explored topic in energy systems innovation. To examine these questions, Popp and Acuna will deploy machine learning techniques that analyze a longitudinal publications dataset created from Elsevier’s Scopus and Thompson Reuter’s Web of Science archives.  By indexing changes in researcher publications to changes in federal funding, Popp and Acuna will be able to examine if and how researchers change the direction of their work in response to different kinds of funding calls from different federal agencies.

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