
Center for Strategic and International Studies

To analyze state-level energy policies to better inform decision-makers about how states can contribute to the transition toward a low-carbon energy system

  • Amount $548,925
  • City Washington, DC
  • Investigator Nikos Tsafos
  • Year 2020
  • Program Research
  • Sub-program Energy and Environment

Individual states play a significant role in setting and implementing energy policies of all kinds, yet no comprehensive database exists of state-level energy policy initiatives and projects.  Without such a database, it is very difficult to understand how state policies harmonize, augment, or conflict with one another (or with federal policy), how state policies could be altered to better achieve overall energy goals, or how state policies differ (or do not) by region, geography, culture, industrial composition, and much more besides. This grants funds an initiative to address this information gap by creating an inventory that makes systematic information about state energy policies available to the research and policy communities. It will also engage scholars and decision-makers to use this new resource and begin to rigorously analyze the connections, overlaps, and relationships between different state energy policy regimes. After constructing the inventory, the team will analyze state policies across across four dimensions: emissions reduction targets, economic outcome targets, resilience planning, and cross-governmental coordination. Research findings will be published as reports and articles and disseminated at a final workshop and shared broadly, with a focus on engaging state and federal decision-makers.

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