
Code for Science and Society

To establish a forum for connecting and aligning funders who support research software

  • Amount $100,000
  • City Portland, OR
  • Investigator Michelle Barker
  • Year 2021
  • Program Technology
  • Sub-program Open Source in Science

Under the leadership of Michelle Barker, the Research Software Alliance (ReSA) is an organization devoted to ensuring that software is taken seriously as a research output alongside more traditional outputs like peer-reviewed papers and datasets.  Since software of all kinds is essential to nearly every aspect of scientific research, properly valuing and rewarding those who produce and maintain such software is vital to the efficient functioning of the systems of scientific knowledge production. ReSA will convene an international forum to help the science funding community better circulate strategies and approaches for the effective support of scientific software. Grant funds allow ReSA, with support from a part-time community manager, to establish this funders’ forum and produce resources covering relevant topics such as analyses of the research software funding landscape, key drivers for increased recognition of research software, and approaches to grantmaking practices and impact evaluations of investments. Following the forum, ReSA will share insights gained through blogs, white papers, and articles that further elevate the profile of research software across the research community.

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