Grants Database

The Foundation awards approximately 200 grants per year (excluding the Sloan Research Fellowships), totaling roughly $80 million dollars in annual commitments in support of research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. This database contains grants for currently operating programs going back to 2008. For grants from prior years and for now-completed programs, see the annual reports section of this website.

Grants Database

  • grantee: Appropedia Foundation
    amount: $192,600
    city: Arcada, CA
    year: 2023

    To develop and maintain metadata standards for open-source hardware

    • Program Technology
    • Initiative Open Hardware
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Andrew Lamb

    To develop and maintain metadata standards for open-source hardware

  • grantee: University of Colorado, Denver
    amount: $49,954
    city: Denver, CO
    year: 2023

    To explore how the latest developments in large language models (LLMs) might inform scientific writing

    • Program Technology
    • Initiative Trust in AI
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Milton Pividori

    To explore how the latest developments in large language models (LLMs) might inform scientific writing

  • grantee: University of California, Santa Cruz
    amount: $250,000
    city: Santa Cruz, CA
    year: 2023

    To design, prototype, and validate multi-user Virtual Reality tool designs for collaborative use by distributed science teams

    • Program Technology
    • Initiative Virtual Collaboration initiative
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Katherine Isbister

    To design, prototype, and validate multi-user Virtual Reality tool designs for collaborative use by distributed science teams

  • grantee: Princeton University
    amount: $249,779
    city: Princeton, NJ
    year: 2023

    To investigate new models for the evolution and effective use of hybrid and virtual meetings within a globally distributed scientific collaboration

    • Program Technology
    • Initiative Virtual Collaboration initiative
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Peter Elmer

    To investigate new models for the evolution and effective use of hybrid and virtual meetings within a globally distributed scientific collaboration

  • grantee: University of Tartu
    amount: $99,604
    city: Tartu, Estonia
    year: 2023

    To study the sociotechnical preparations for and execution of hybrid hackathons

    • Program Technology
    • Initiative Virtual Collaboration initiative
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Alexander Nolte

    To study the sociotechnical preparations for and execution of hybrid hackathons

  • grantee: University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    amount: $557,835
    city: Charlotte, United States
    year: 2023

    To study the relationship between different forms of virtual presence on group entitativity in scientific collaborations

    • Program Technology
    • Initiative Virtual Collaboration initiative
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Anita Blanchard

    Though there has been an explosive rise in remote work arrangements since the Covid-19 pandemic, there is surprisingly little research on remote teamwork and its impact on creativity, productivity, and worker satisfaction. Meetings are a central feature of such teamwork. As researchers Anita Blanchard and Joseph Allen wrote in a 2022 article, 'Successful meetings lead to productive workgroups but we do not know why or how.' They argue that group identity, or 'entitativity,' can be strengthened through formal meetings alongside informal interactions over lunch or in the hallway. 'Meetings serve as the primary formal occasion in which workgroup entitativity can be maintained or repaired for optimal workgroup performance.' This grant supports an ambitious research project by Blanchard and Allen to empirically assess the degree to which (and which features of) virtual meetings produce stronger group entitativity and to test a hypothesis about whether other mechanisms for informal team awareness might improve the entitativity of virtual, distributed teams. For the latter, they will test whether adoption of, a 2-D virtual workspace where one can engage in informal video chats with remote collaborators, increases entitativity, and then quantify its impact on measures of collaboration success. Their findings promise to advance our knowledge of team science and could inform the design of new systems for virtual team collaboration.

    To study the relationship between different forms of virtual presence on group entitativity in scientific collaborations

  • grantee: PARPA, Inc.
    amount: $50,000
    city: Princeton, United States
    year: 2023

    To support a workshop on and comparison of different approaches to research roadmapping and program design

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Benjamin Reinhardt

    To support a workshop on and comparison of different approaches to research roadmapping and program design

  • grantee: Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences
    amount: $50,000
    city: Washington, United States
    year: 2022

    To support participation by academic and nonprofit-based social scientists at Social Science Foo Camp

    • Program Technology
    • Initiative Virtual Collaboration initiative
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Louise Coady

    To support participation by academic and nonprofit-based social scientists at Social Science Foo Camp

  • grantee: Columbia University
    amount: $50,000
    city: New York, United States
    year: 2022

    To scale up usage of a platform for machine learning model sharing and education

    • Program Technology
    • Initiative Trust in AI
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Michael Parrott

    To scale up usage of a platform for machine learning model sharing and education

  • grantee: University of Maryland, College Park
    amount: $99,999
    city: College Park, United States
    year: 2022

    To systematically document the landscape and usage of tools for thought and research synthesis infrastructures

    • Program Technology
    • Initiative Trust in AI
    • Sub-program Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology
    • Investigator Joel Chan

    To systematically document the landscape and usage of tools for thought and research synthesis infrastructures

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