Grants Database

The Foundation awards approximately 200 grants per year (excluding the Sloan Research Fellowships), totaling roughly $80 million dollars in annual commitments in support of research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. This database contains grants for currently operating programs going back to 2008. For grants from prior years and for now-completed programs, see the annual reports section of this website.

Grants Database

  • grantee: Council for Economic Education
    amount: $708,500
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2022

    To promote economics education, especially in New York high schools, by recognizing innovative teachers, by promoting successful pedagogies, and by developing culturally relevant curricula that motivate diverse students to learn more economics

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Christopher Caltabiano

    This grant supports Christopher Caltabiano at the Council for Economic Education (CEE). That organization helps teachers convey economic concepts and skills to K-12 students.  The goal is to provide valuable life skills and to encourage a diverse range of students to study economics at college. Grant funds will allow CEE to make progress on these efforts through four main strategies: recognizing innovative teachers with Sloan Teaching Champion Awards ($5,000 to each teacher and $2,500 to their school to support economics education); disseminating successful pedagogies by, for example, running three-day “boot camps” for teachers; motivating diverse student populations by working directly with high school students; providing a web tool for administering tests, analyzing performance, and tracking progress; and developing innovative and inclusive online learning materials.

    To promote economics education, especially in New York high schools, by recognizing innovative teachers, by promoting successful pedagogies, and by developing culturally relevant curricula that motivate diverse students to learn more economics

  • grantee: Rockaway Waterfront Alliance, Inc.
    amount: $50,000
    city: Far Rockaway, NY
    year: 2022

    To provide partial support for the Environmentor science research internship program

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Jeanne DuPont

    To provide partial support for the Environmentor science research internship program

  • grantee: Art of Problem Solving Initiative, Inc.
    amount: $50,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2022

    To provide renewed partial support for the BEAM 6 and BEAM 7 programs, including COVID-safety infrastructure for in-person activities

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Daniel Zaharopol

    To provide renewed partial support for the BEAM 6 and BEAM 7 programs, including COVID-safety infrastructure for in-person activities

  • grantee: Philanthropy New York
    amount: $28,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2022

    To support work on behalf of the nonprofit and charitable community

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Anthony Salgado

    To support work on behalf of the nonprofit and charitable community

  • grantee: New York University
    amount: $249,956
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2021

    To develop principles and pathways for public engagement by NYC communities with interpretable, reliable, and actionable flood-related data

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Elizabeth Hénaff

    To develop principles and pathways for public engagement by NYC communities with interpretable, reliable, and actionable flood-related data

  • grantee: New York Law School
    amount: $223,708
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2021

    To support redistricting information, resources, education and training efforts in New York State

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Jeffrey Wice

    To support redistricting information, resources, education and training efforts in New York State

  • grantee: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
    amount: $791,882
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2021

    To support a New York-area network of museum partners focused on scientific research in the fields of cultural heritage and art conservation through access to expert researchers and advanced equipment

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Marco Leona

    Founded in 2016 through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and housed at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, the New York Network Initiative for Conservation Science (NY-NICS) offers access to expert conservation science researchers and state-of-the-art instruments to cultural heritage institutions across the city.  Anchored in material science and chemistry, conservation science as a field is broadly engaged in applying contemporary imaging and analytic techniques to questions of the history of artistic practice, which can range from the adoption of new materials over time to the creative processes of individual artists. Led by Marco Leona, NY-NICS has spearheaded partnerships with 11 key NYC cultural institutions since its founding, including the Brooklyn Museum, the Frick Collection, the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the American Museum of Natural History, and the New York Public Library. This grant joins the Mellon Foundation in its support for the continued operation and expansion of the NY-NICS, allowing it to hire additional staff, expand the network further, and grow its list of partnerships with a particular eye on important but less well-resourced cultural institutions in New York. 

    To support a New York-area network of museum partners focused on scientific research in the fields of cultural heritage and art conservation through access to expert researchers and advanced equipment

  • grantee: Girls Who Invest
    amount: $25,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2021

    To help increase the number of women in the asset management industry and in leadership positions through comprehensive education, mentoring, support and internships

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Heather Perceval

    To help increase the number of women in the asset management industry and in leadership positions through comprehensive education, mentoring, support and internships

  • grantee: Cornell University
    amount: $25,000
    city: Ithaca, NY
    year: 2021

    To partially support the 2021 Smart Cities New York Urban Tech Summit

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Michael Samuelian

    This grant supports Michael Samuelian at Cornell University, who organized an Urban Tech Summit at the university’s Roosevelt Island campus in fall 2021. An initiative by SmartCities New York, the event aimed to support the development, adoption and evaluation of technologies that make cities more connected, livable, efficient, and accessible. Grant funds contributes to the overall expenses for running the event, where researchers, practitioners, advocates, and industry leaders in the urban tech space came together to present findings, network, identify common challenges, and forge new collaborations for future urban tech projects.

    To partially support the 2021 Smart Cities New York Urban Tech Summit

  • grantee: The Mr. October Foundation for Kids
    amount: $50,000
    city: Carmel, CA
    year: 2021

    To provide partial support for an afterschool and summer STEM enrichment program at seven public schools in the Bronx

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Alan Gomez

    To provide partial support for an afterschool and summer STEM enrichment program at seven public schools in the Bronx

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