Grants Database

The Foundation awards approximately 200 grants per year (excluding the Sloan Research Fellowships), totaling roughly $80 million dollars in annual commitments in support of research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. This database contains grants for currently operating programs going back to 2008. For grants from prior years and for now-completed programs, see the annual reports section of this website.

Grants Database

  • grantee: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    amount: $971,750
    city: Cambridge, MA
    year: 2017

    To examine the link between the receding retirement age of older workers and the shifts in demand for these workers associated with the expansion of artificial intelligence and robotic substitutes

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Working Longer
    • Investigator Richard Freeman

    Funds from this grant support research by Harvard economist Richard Freeman that will link and then analyze 16 different data sets in order to examine the relationship between the increased employment/postponement of retirement by older workers and shifts in the demand for these workers associated with the changing composition of industries and the expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic automation. Freeman will examine differences in employment and earnings of these workers by gender, education, health status, and income, and by industry, occupation, and firm and will study the impacts of these technologies on earnings, as well as employment. Overall, this project seeks to identify new patterns of work and retirement, determine their effect on worker well-being, and project whether these patterns are likely to continue among younger cohorts as they age. In addition to his own analysis, Freeman will commission 10 additional papers from leading economists using this new linked dataset, which will then be made available for public access through application to the Census Bureau research centers. All papers will be published as NBER Working Papers and submitted for publication in leading peer-reviewed journals.

    To examine the link between the receding retirement age of older workers and the shifts in demand for these workers associated with the expansion of artificial intelligence and robotic substitutes

  • grantee: National Opinion Research Center
    amount: $285,804
    city: Chicago, IL
    year: 2017

    To increase the amount and quality of news coverage of the economics of working longer, by training fellows in economics and data-driven journalism and by supporting the development of an original survey and enhanced coverage

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Working Longer
    • Investigator Trevor Tompson

    This grant provides twenty months of continued support for a partnership between National Opinion Research Center (NORC) and the Associated Press (AP) to marry NORC’s research expertise with AP’s media reach to create a vehicle for promoting public understanding of the barriers and facilitators, as well as the causes and patterns, to people working beyond conventional retirement age in the United States. Funds from this grant will provide twenty months of salary support to a NORC-AP journalism fellow, who is selected through a competitive application process. The fellowwill cover the older work force beat, producing thoughtful, scientifically informed, high-quality articles on a variety of issues at the intersection of aging and work, including retirement, work and health, productivity, older workers and the gig economy, and the economic impact of an aging work force on businesses, pensions, and government programs like Social Security. In addition, NORC will field a high-quality, nationally representative survey of older adults about issues facing older workers with the results distributed nationwide through the AP. Survey reporting will be supplemented with reporting on new economic research on the older work force and survey data will be made freely available to researchers in a public-use dataset.

    To increase the amount and quality of news coverage of the economics of working longer, by training fellows in economics and data-driven journalism and by supporting the development of an original survey and enhanced coverage

  • grantee: University of Maryland, College Park
    amount: $46,500
    city: College Park, MD
    year: 2017

    Support for Jason Farman’s Waiting for Word: How Message Delays Have Shaped History, Love, Technology, and Everything We Know, a book about technologies of communication, to be published by Yale University Press in late 2018/early 2019

    • Program Public Understanding
    • Sub-program Books
    • Investigator Jason Farman

    Support for Jason Farman’s Waiting for Word: How Message Delays Have Shaped History, Love, Technology, and Everything We Know, a book about technologies of communication, to be published by Yale University Press in late 2018/early 2019

  • grantee: Rockaway Waterfront Alliance, Inc.
    amount: $20,000
    city: Far Rockaway, NY
    year: 2017

    To provide partial support for the Environmentor Program, a science research internship program

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Jeanne DuPont

    To provide partial support for the Environmentor Program, a science research internship program

  • grantee: Academy Foundation
    amount: $20,000
    city: Beverly Hills, CA
    year: 2017

    To support the Academy of Motions Pictures Art and Sciences and its Sci-Tech Council in a screening and panel discussion of Hidden Figures, presented in collaboration with NASA

    • Program Public Understanding
    • Sub-program New Media
    • Investigator Andrew Maltz

    To support the Academy of Motions Pictures Art and Sciences and its Sci-Tech Council in a screening and panel discussion of Hidden Figures, presented in collaboration with NASA

  • grantee: FORCE11
    amount: $20,000
    city: San Diego, CA
    year: 2017

    To partially support the 2017 Future of Research Communication and eScholarship meeting

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Data & Computational Research
    • Investigator Cameron Neylon

    To partially support the 2017 Future of Research Communication and eScholarship meeting

  • grantee: Columbia University
    amount: $125,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2017

    To study the general equilibrium effects on labor markets due to robots

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Economics
    • Investigator Edmund Phelps

    To study the general equilibrium effects on labor markets due to robots

  • grantee: Haverford College
    amount: $63,112
    city: Haverford, PA
    year: 2017

    To study causes and consequences of occupational exit by scientists and engineers

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Economics
    • Investigator Anne Preston

    To study causes and consequences of occupational exit by scientists and engineers

  • grantee: Harvard University
    amount: $80,000
    city: Cambridge, MA
    year: 2017

    To organize interdisciplinary studies of the scientific research enterprise, including how inputs produce the outputs

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Economics
    • Investigator Karim Lakhani

    To organize interdisciplinary studies of the scientific research enterprise, including how inputs produce the outputs

  • grantee: University of Wisconsin System
    amount: $125,000
    city: Madison, WI
    year: 2017

    To build a new user interface and database for the Small World Initiative (SWI) and train graduate students to teach with the big data sets gathered through SWI course-sourcing on antibiotics produced by newly isolated soil bacteria

    • Program Higher Education
    • Investigator Jo Handelsman

    To build a new user interface and database for the Small World Initiative (SWI) and train graduate students to teach with the big data sets gathered through SWI course-sourcing on antibiotics produced by newly isolated soil bacteria

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