Grants Database

The Foundation awards approximately 200 grants per year (excluding the Sloan Research Fellowships), totaling roughly $80 million dollars in annual commitments in support of research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. This database contains grants for currently operating programs going back to 2008. For grants from prior years and for now-completed programs, see the annual reports section of this website.

Grants Database

  • grantee: National Public Radio, Inc.
    amount: $550,000
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2015

    To support Planet Money’s coverage of economics via multimedia journalism and enterprise radio reporting

    • Program Public Understanding
    • Sub-program Radio
    • Investigator Christopher Turpin

    This grant provides two years of continued support for production of National Public Radio’s Planet Money podcast. Grant funds will help produce in-depth economic content to be disseminated via the Planet Money podcast and blog and on NPR’s All Things Considered, Morning Edition, NPR One, and This American Life. Additional funds will support the production of multimedia pieces to supplement and enhance the broadcast content on the web, a series of interactive “sound walks” that explore economic history, and several experiments in participatory journalism.

    To support Planet Money’s coverage of economics via multimedia journalism and enterprise radio reporting

  • grantee: PRX Incorporated
    amount: $500,000
    city: Cambridge, MA
    year: 2015

    To support PRX in a three-pronged approach to expand science-themed audio content for radio broadcast, podcast, and video

    • Program Public Understanding
    • Sub-program Radio
    • Investigator Jake Shapiro

    Funds from this grant support a three-pronged initiative by PRX, public radio’s largest distribution marketplace, to expand science-themed audio for radio broadcast and podcasting. First, PRX will continue to expand its Open Call for STEM stories, which last year generated more than 100 submissions from reporters and producers with compelling science stories to tell. Second, PRX will develop and support five new radio shows featuring women scientists and produced by women. Finally, PRX will incorporate science- and technology-themed episodes into its existing portfolio of popular programs, including The Moth Radio Hour, 99% Invisible, Theory of Everything, and Blank on Blank, which collectively reach several million listeners. With the runaway success of Serial in the past year, podcasts have hit a tipping point, and PRX is well positioned to harness this new energy and excitement. This project has the potential to engage an entirely new community of science storytellers, while advancing public understanding of science among the next generation of listeners.

    To support PRX in a three-pronged approach to expand science-themed audio content for radio broadcast, podcast, and video

  • grantee: Astrophysical Research Consortium
    amount: $700,000
    city: Seattle, WA
    year: 2015

    To increase the number of underrepresented minority students in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV) collaboration through the development and implementation of a Faculty-and-Student Team (FAST) program and a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    • Investigator Michael Blanton

    Funds from this grant support two projects that aim to increase the participation of underrepresented minority (URM) students in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey collaboration. The first, the Faculty and Student Team (FAST) program creates research teams led by a faculty member and comprised of at least one URM graduate student and/or two to three advanced URM undergraduate students. Each FAST unit (faculty and students) is subsequently linked with a research team at a formal SDSS participating institution; the research team will help integrate them into the collaboration, providing a kind of double mentoring system: the SDSS institution mentors the URM FAST team, and the faculty lead mentors the participating URM students on the team. The goal is to provide these URM students with training and guidance within SDSS, anticipating that they will eventually transition to an astronomy Ph.D. program at an SDSS member university.  The second supported project is a distributed summer program that will provide research experiences for minority undergraduates. The 10-week program, to be run by New Mexico State University, will bring interested URM students from non-SDSS institutions to the home institution of SDSS researchers to facilitate one-on-one mentoring and exposure to the global SDSS collaboration. In addition to their direct SDSS mentor, students would have regular virtual check-ins with the other participants, an in-person kick-off meeting, and a culminating research meeting, likely held in conjunction with a formal SDSS collaboration meeting. Over time, the FAST and summer research programs have the potential to increase the participation of underrepresented minority doctoral students in astronomy programs nationwide.

    To increase the number of underrepresented minority students in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV) collaboration through the development and implementation of a Faculty-and-Student Team (FAST) program and a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program

  • grantee: University of Pennsylvania
    amount: $332,457
    city: Philadelphia, PA
    year: 2015

    To establish the Macro Finance Society as a catalyst, forum, and disseminator for research by macro and financial economists

    • Program Research
    • Initiative Economic Implications of the Great Recession (EIGR)
    • Sub-program Economics
    • Investigator Nikolai Roussanov

    Funds from this grant continue support to the Macro Finance Society (MFS) a group of prominent scholars in economics and finance who first came together in 2013 to advance the development of macroeconomic models that incorporate our best thinking about the interaction between the real economy and the financial sector. Grant funds will support a host of related activities over the next two years, including a series of biannual workshops and associated outreach activities, the development of a lasting repository for relevant data and code, the creation of a long-term financial sustainability plan for the society, and operational funds to offset the professional research and travel of members.

    To establish the Macro Finance Society as a catalyst, forum, and disseminator for research by macro and financial economists

  • grantee: National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc.
    amount: $2,000,000
    city: White Plains, NY
    year: 2015

    To provide $2 million for three awards to new University Centers of Exemplary Mentoring (UCEMs) in the Sloan Minority Ph.D. Program

    • Program Higher Education
    • Investigator Christopher Smith

    Funds from this grant support the establishment of three University Centers of Exemplary Mentoring: one at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; one at the University of California, San Diego; and one at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. These centers will aim to increase the diversity of underrepresented minorities in STEM graduate education through providing fellowships, peer and faculty mentoring, professional development, and various other services to STEM graduate students from traditionally underrepresented groups. Together, the three new grants will fund $40,000 scholarships to 61 Sloan UCEM Scholars over the course of three years. In addition, the three universities will provide full packages (tuition, stipend, fees) to these 61 UCEM Scholars and to 61 UCEM Institutional Match (IM) students. Additional funds will support a host of activities at the UCEMs aimed at helping minority students succeed in their graduate studies. The National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering administers the program, disburses funds to the Sloan UCEM Scholars and universities, reports on student progress and finances, and monitors and enforces policies on student eligibility, nomination, expenditure rules, and time-to-degree expectations.

    To provide $2 million for three awards to new University Centers of Exemplary Mentoring (UCEMs) in the Sloan Minority Ph.D. Program

  • grantee: Fund for the City of New York
    amount: $780,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2015

    To provide partial support for the Sloan Public Service Awards program

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Mary McCormick

    Each year since 1973, the Sloan Public Service Awards have recognized six outstanding civil servants out of the hundreds of thousands of people who work for New York City government. The Fund for the City of New York manages the nomination and selection process and refers to the awards as “the Nobel Prizes of Government…, the highest award that can be bestowed upon a New York City public servant.” Nominated by their colleagues and selected by a blue-ribbon panel of distinguished New Yorkers, each of the six winners receives a $10,000 cash prize and is honored at individual celebrations at their workplaces and at a city-wide celebration presided over by the Mayor. This grant provides three years of continued support for the Sloan Public Service Awards.

    To provide partial support for the Sloan Public Service Awards program

  • grantee: Southern Regional Education Board
    amount: $999,645
    city: Atlanta, GA
    year: 2015

    To provide Sloan Scholars and program directors in its Minority Ph.D. Program access and services at the annual meetings of SREB’s Institute for Teaching and Mentoring

    • Program Higher Education
    • Investigator Ansley Abraham

    The Doctoral Scholars Program (DSP) of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) sponsors the Compact for Faculty Diversity’s Institute for Teaching and Mentoring (Institute), the largest gathering of minority doctoral students in the country. The yearly institute brings minority students together to help provide young scholars with the resources they need to succeed in graduate study and in their future careers in academia. In addition, the Institute provides scholars opportunities to meet one another, share knowledge, and discuss common problems and strategies to overcome them. The gathering is an effective and efficient gathering point for all those in the Sloan Minority Ph.D. (MPHD) program, including Sloan Scholars, program directors, program administrators, and faculty, as well as staff from Sloan and its administrative partners: the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering and the Social Sciences Research Council. The number of Sloan participants has grown to over 15 percent of total attendees in the past three years, and the Institute totals now routinely exceed 1,000 per year. This grant provides four years of support to the Southern Regional Education Board to defray costs associated with hosting the Institute.

    To provide Sloan Scholars and program directors in its Minority Ph.D. Program access and services at the annual meetings of SREB’s Institute for Teaching and Mentoring

  • grantee: Harvard University
    amount: $1,594,609
    city: Cambridge, MA
    year: 2015

    To increase both the number of minority students entering top Ph.D. programs in economics and economics?related fields and the diversity of the economics faculties and work force

    • Program Higher Education
    • Investigator Sheila Thomas

    This grant supports a project by Harvard University’s Department of Economics, in partnership with the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) and economists in other Harvard schools (e.g., the Kennedy School of Government and the School of Public Health), to support 24 “student-years-worth” of post-baccalaureate training in mathematics and economics for very promising underrepresented minority (URM) students. Resources available to students through the program will include a paid research assistant position with a participating Harvard faculty member, up to four courses per year of undergraduate or graduate coursework, access to one of the math boot camps taken by entering graduate students in Harvard’s economics Ph.D. program, support for GRE preparation, travel funds to attend conferences; and peer and faculty mentoring. The project aims to increase the number of Ph.D. graduates in economics and related fields by 8 to 10 percent, and to serve as a model for other universities and institutions interested in increasing the representation of minorities within economics or other scientific fields.

    To increase both the number of minority students entering top Ph.D. programs in economics and economics?related fields and the diversity of the economics faculties and work force

  • grantee: Council for Economic Education
    amount: $163,980
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2015

    To promote economics education in New York area schools by recognizing innovative teachers and promoting their methods

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Christopher Caltabiano

    This grant provides two years of continued support for the administration of the Sloan Teaching Champion Awards, an annual awards program run by the Council for Economic Education that recognizes outstanding financial and economics education by secondary school teachers in the New York City metropolitan area. Winners are selected by an independent committee based on a number of diverse factors, including their effectiveness, creativity, and success in motivating underserved students. Winners receive a $5,000 cash prize, $2,500 to be used to augment economic education programs at their respective schools, and are honored at a high-profile event in New York City.

    To promote economics education in New York area schools by recognizing innovative teachers and promoting their methods

  • grantee: Stanford University
    amount: $495,647
    city: Stanford, CA
    year: 2015

    To develop new empirical methods and use new “big data” resources for assessing the performance of Medicare and Medicare Advantage insurance plans

    • Program Research
    • Initiative Empirical Economic Research Enablers (EERE)
    • Sub-program Economics
    • Investigator Jay Bhattacharya

    This grant supports a research project by economists Jay Battacharya (Stanford Medical School), Jon Levin (Stanford), Liran Einav (Stanford), and Amy Finkelstein (MIT) to use newly available datasets to compare the cost and performance of Medicare and Medicare Advantage to private insurance plans that cover similarly situated consumers. The team will examine a broad range of questions relevant to health care policy by comparing data on public insurance plan performance provided by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services with newly available data on private plan performance compiled by the Health Care Cost Institute. Issues to be examined include the differences in health care costs, services, and prices in public and private plans; what features of public or private plan structure account for these differences; and whether private insurance plans can or do deliver comparable outcomes to Medicare at lower costs.

    To develop new empirical methods and use new “big data” resources for assessing the performance of Medicare and Medicare Advantage insurance plans

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