While citizen science projects, crowdsourcing, and other forms of mass collaboration on the Web hold the promise to contribute significantly to scientific research, they often lack adequate institutional or systemic controls to properly mitigate data privacy, cybersecurity, legal, and financial risks. Without such controls in place, government entities or other large institutions are often barred from collaborating with citizen science initiatives, limiting their usefulness and impact. This grant supports efforts by the Commons Lab at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars to help reduce these barriers by identifying, assessing and prioritizing the risks associated with mass collaboration projects and developing standards, policies, best practices, and other resources that both government agencies and citizen entrepreneurs can use to work together more effectively. Over the next two years, the Wilson Center will publish two peer-reviewed journal articles on privacy, human subjects, and intellectual property issues; host a roundtable series on cybersecurity; construct an inventory of U.S. government involvement in mass collaboration projects; hold a policy briefing for government agencies; and analyze governance models for mass collaboration projects.